Making Paper with Osman Hameed

The Endless Life of Paper: Recycling and Renewal Insights I #MAKINGPAPER I EP012

April 16, 2024 Osman Hameed
Transcript Chapter Markers
Osman Hameed:

All right, Episode 12. We're here. We're back. You're in the beautiful Ocean Ridge Studios with me, Osman Hameed and today we're talking about the ASMR making paper. Now, this is not a bad thing one thing I always see people get so upset if you like, don't waste paper. You know, paper is actually a renewable resource. First and foremost, you know, you can plant more trees again and again and again and again. But secondly, all of these fibers that you see inside your paper, it can be made into new paper. And that's what this show is going to be about. We're going to be talking about why, we got to be focused on reciting paper. And two, we're going to have this really cool video That we will be checking out at the end of the show about how in India they're keeping the paper making industry alive and using these materials that, you know, you find around your office, around your homes to create new material and new people to work with. People have been writing on paper for, for thousands of years. And it's something that's not about to go away anytime soon because it's renewable. It comes from the earth, from trees, and it can be turned back into new paper anytime. Pretty much whenever we have material. And when you throw in the landfill, you throw it in the garbage. What happens is there's only one option. It goes to a landfill. What is the landfill? It's just a really big hole on the ground where they just dump everything in it. Plastic paper, diapers, you know, metal scrap. It goes in that hole and that's pretty much it. That material is wasted. But if it goes into recycling, what happens is it goes in something called a murf, which is a material recovery facility, and that material for recovery facility, the paper and plastic are filtered out. After it goes through the MRF, all this material is then sent to a paper mill and inside a paper mill to mix this with water, a lot of chemicals. And it becomes paste. And I'm oversimplifying the process, but just to make you understand. And this paste is then spread really thin. Spread over these rollers to remove the water, the moisture. And that paste, when the water is removed, guess what? It's new paper all over again. Once again, you use that paper. You draw on it. You use it for construction paper. You write on it. And then you crunch it up again. You throw it back in the blue bin.

It gets collected once again. It goes to a MRF. The MRF separates the paper into plastic and the materials. Paper goes, becomes bales. Bales are important just to talk about because bales are just, they compress the material so it's easier to transport. Because obviously if you compress it, you can get more onto a truck. So they compress the bale into bales. The bales go to a paper mill. They add the water, they add the chemicals, they clean the material, they make a big paste, they spread the paste really thin, they get the rollers to remove the water, they dry them, and you have new paper.

Osman Hameed:

And you go again and again and again. Paper can recycle up to four to six times depending on the impurities and how good that recycling program is. You know your Amazon boxes? Almost primarily they're made from recycled content. You know, so that's why it's so important that when, you know, when you know that the material can be used multiple, multiple times, it's almost like a responsibility on you. If you know that it can be used again, why are you just throwing it in the garbage, in the landfill, when like, there's an opportunity for it to have another life, right? And being cognizant about that is the step one, and a lot of people aren't cognizant, they're not even aware. People don't even know that people can have a second life, right? And, but if you are aware and you can put it in that blue bin and that was like a program, you can give it a new life and save the trees, save the, you know, all the energy required to create the material. And it's also more cost effective. The part that I find the most difficult is that there are some cities in the United States that do not have any reselling program. All they have is one big black bin and I'm sure if you're in that city, you know So there's all these boxes that are being created, right? And they just get tossed into a black bin folded whatever and they just go in the landfill Okay, they're biodegradable over time They'll break down into dirt whatever but the point stands that there were trees that were cut down to convert into paper And now that paper is you know converted into boxes, but like without a recycling program It's just so much waste And what do you even do with it? Sometimes


Osman Hameed:

you get a box, you open it, you'll take the package out, toss the box. That's it. That's it. It's entire life, right? And maybe it was, if it's one day shipping, it was shipped that morning. So it's entire life is like, you know, so I guys, main thing is if in your cities, you guys don't have a study program. So then focus on trying to find maybe there's like a regional research program that you can go to. Drop your boxes over there. And if not that push your local community talk to your politicians push them We need recycling you want to save on those resources and you want to save on that material? I feel metal, everybody knows metal can be reused. I don't know why it's almost universal. Everybody knows metal can be reused. Like our society, like metal, of course you can melt it down. But for some reason, people don't know that paper can also be quote unquote, melted down in that mixer and made into new paper guys. So that's important. Let's focus on that. It's the making paper show. So, you know, all of us were talking about paper. We're going to keep things popping. This is the Ocean Ridge Studios. We're trying to find creative ways to use paper, to use plastic, use our materials, and we'll see you in the next one.

Welcome to Episode 12: The ASMR of Making Paper
The Renewable Resource: Understanding Paper
The Journey of Recycled Paper: From Bin to New Beginnings
The Lifecycle of Paper: A Detailed Look
The Importance of Recycling and Its Global Impact
Challenges and Solutions in Recycling Programs
A Call to Action: Recycling Beyond Metal
Wrapping Up: The Mission of Ocean Ridge Studios